Night Guard Specialist

Juan M. Carrillo, DMD
General Dentist & Cosmetic Dentist located in Richmond, VA
If you’re tired of waking up with a dull, throbbing headache, or a pain in your jaw, a night guard may be just what you need to get back to sleep. Night guards are an inexpensive, noninvasive way to protect your teeth from bruxism (teeth grinding) and to relieve TMJ pain. To learn more about getting a custom-fitted night guard, call the practice of Juan M. Carrillo, DMD, in Richmond, Virginia, today to make an appointment, or use the online booking tool.
Night Guard Q & A
What is a night guard?
Much like an athletic mouthguard, a night guard is a device that you wear between your teeth while you sleep. Night guards are typically used to protect your teeth from bruxism, the medical term for grinding or clenching your teeth, and can also be used to help relieve pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). They’re typically made of plastic or rubber, fit over your top teeth, and can be molded specifically to fit your mouth.
Why would I need a night guard?
Bruxism is the main reason people use night guards, and there could be a lot of reasons you’re clenching or grinding your teeth. Bruxism most often occurs when you’re stressed or when you’re asleep. In many cases, people don’t realize they grind their teeth because they’re asleep when it happens, and they have to be told by a loved one who can hear it.
This grinding can damage the enamel of your teeth and can put an unsustainable amount of strain on them, all of which opens the door to cavities, tooth decay and damage to your teeth and oral tissues in general.
A night guard will help you:
- Sleep better
- Avoid annoying headaches when you wake up
- Avoid the dull ache that can occur in your jaw
- Protect your teeth as well as any dentures, crowns, or other restorations
Night guards can also help relieve the soreness and headaches caused by chronic TMJ strain.
How do I get a night guard?
The best night guards are custom-fitted to your mouth specifically. Dr. Carrillo can help you get a fit that will be comfortable for you when speaking and breathing. During your visit, Dr. Carrillo will make a custom mold so your night guard supports your teeth and maintains a healthy alignment, and also so it won’t slip or shift in your mouth during sleep.
If you’re experiencing bruxism or worried that your teeth are being damaged by constant grinding, call the office today to make an appointment or make one using the online scheduling tool.